So your flight got delayed...

Let us help you get compensation on from the airlines. Check and see if your flight is eligible for compensation.

The average compensation is $400.

Check Your Eligibility for Compensation Today!

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Travel Date is required.

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Airfare refund

Money Back guarantee

We only succeed when you get paid. If you do not get the compensation, we will refund you our fee.

Airfare refund

Average Compensation

We have on average gotten back $400+ per claim.

Airfare refund

We Negotiate For You

Let us negotiate the best rebate possible. We understand the laws and will make sure you receive what you are owed.

How we help

Refund process

We are a group of Canadians helping people who have experienced a flight delay through Canadian airports. Given Canadian Law you are owed compensation for flights that have been delayed due to slowdowns which were in control of the airlines. Once you have used our compensation tool to see if you might be owed, we then submit the claim on your behalf.

Have a question? Feel free to reach out to our team today!

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